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Sound Off for March 30

These opinions are not the Courier’s. Callers are not required to identify themselves, so we can neither verify sources nor their motives. Call 876-3733.

Why did the school board put out a school calendar for next year on the website, and then didn’t notify anyone about the vote on it?

Thank you, Minister Gloria Brown, for your letter to the editor. You are on target regarding the city of Riceboro’s salary increase for mayor and council members.

To the woman from Ludowici that’s complaining that Hinesville doesn’t have any big department stores: Maybe she should try to get them in Ludowici, where she lives, and she won’t have to even drive to Hinesville to shop in those big stores. Worry about Ludowici, not Hinesville.

Coastal Courier, why are you wasting space and ink on the Even Exchange puzzle? No one can read it. You did away with the Sudoku puzzle that was no larger than a postage stamp and replace it with this? Please take a look at the Savannah paper and how it does puzzles.

I’m not a Republican or a Democrat, but I can’t understand why one party, when they get in charge of a city, the city goes down. Look at Detroit — it’s been destroyed by one party. What is wrong with these people? Don’t they take budgeting classes before they run for office? Our city and our school system are screwed because people don’t know how to budget. They’re out buying cars and stuff for themselves and to heck with everybody else.

Can the developers and the builder at Habersham Plantation in Fleming please finish fixing the things the residents were promised out here? It can be a beautiful community.

The Hinesville City Council has no authority over any gate on Fort Stewart. The gates are controlled by Fort Stewart, which is a federal installation.

To the person that is so obsessed with the children having the same last name as their fathers: In the words of Shakespeare, “A rose by any other name is just as sweet.” Basically, a rose by any other name is still a rose. Whomever you are, get a life.
Could you please print in the paper when Mr. Gilliard will be protesting in front of the courthouse over the police officers that were killed so that I can attend? Thank you.

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