Here are some of the issues that area residents are discussing. The statements were phoned in anonymously, so the Courier does not vouch for their veracity, nor do we know what motivated the callers:
Please do not leave cat food out for stray cats. There are possums that are possibly rabid; they can attack children and people. Also, if you feed strays, they are no longer strays — they are your cats. Please take care of them.
I’m so angry. My buddies and I had lunch not long ago, and we were solicited to make a donation to a woman who needs cancer surgery, and she had no insurance. We just found out she did not have cancer, and it was just a ruse to get her hospital bill paid. Isn’t that illegal? You’re not supposed to be able to do that, are you?
Thank you, Edith Anderson and John Scherer, for the very informative articles that are published in Sunday’s Courier. Keep up the good work.
To the people who run the Coastal Courier: I’d just like to let you know that Obama is not the king; he is the president. And when I call and criticize him, I expect to see it in Sound off.
It’s pretty bad when an Iraq war veteran can’t get any kind of medical assistance from anywhere in Hinesville.
Sound off for March 7
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