Why didn’t someone think about Bradwell having their graduation still on Friday night, even though they’re using the Liberty campus? And Liberty having theirs as scheduled on Saturday morning. It’s very inconvenient to be able to celebrate both of those in a timely manner on the same day. Again, somebody should have thought of that.
The men in women in the military and retirees: Your commander-in-chief, Obama, who said “he sometimes supports you,” is going after your pay and benefits and our retiree retirements and benefits . So when he arrives Friday to campaign for reelection, he’s going to say and do what he has to to get your vote. Listen with a grain of salt.
I agree wholeheartedly with Terry Strickland’s Letter to the Editor in Tuesday, April 24’s Long County Press. Hopefully it will be repeated in the Coastal Courier. I, too, am sick and tired of her comments concerning the politicians in Long County. Please, don’t let her come to Hinesville; we have enough problems without her.
Thanks to the quality of the service of the Comcast Company, I’m urging everyone to go back to old rabbit ears or antennas or go to the satellite dish.
This is to the caller who called in about Zimmerman: If you think this is justice, ask Trayvon Martin’s parents. He’s out on bond. Trayvon is not; he’s deceased.
To the caller who wants to see the list of attendees at the county-wide planning workshop: The more telling list is those who signed up but did not attend. They had to pay a $275 registration fee and possibly had to register for rooms. That’s at least $3,800 in taxpayer dollars wasted.
Sound off for May 13

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