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To the person that wants to know when Liberty County High School will get a new basketball coach: If you’ll check the records of high-school basketball coaches in Georgia, you’ll know that Liberty has one of the best coaches in the state. Liberty County has been playing in the toughest region for quite a few years and won region titles, Sweet 16s, Elite Eights and three Final Four appearances. Jordan McRae, Rion Brown and Lamar Richardson all had successful seasons at Liberty.
I admire the comments that Jordan McRae, Rion Brown and Lamar Richardson had in a recent paper. They put in their hard work with the support of their parents, they’re feeling good about themselves, on the road to success.
It is time for us to step up in the community and seriously look at the situation that is going on in our community. We are being overtaxed in our communities, and our tax dollars are being wastefully spent by people with unbridled selfish ambitions, which hurt us. There is no use in refinancing your home because as soon as you do, the county will raise your taxes and make your payments go right back up. We need jobs. We need security. We need better people in leadership in this community, and we need to clean up the corruption. This is a very corrupt town.