You know, the people that are saying they’re voting Democrat in November, all they’re doing is telling the world, “I’m an atheist; I hate God; I hate Israel and everything else.” And I feel sorry for them.
How can us American people support a president that can’t even take a call and protect our ambassadors in other countries for our freedoms? This is just beyond me. How can we vote for President Obama?
A military guy went in to get his driver’s license changed, and he had his driver’s license and his Army ID card. They told him he had to get his birth certificate — he had his Social Security — and they told him he had to get his birth certificate to get a license. I think it’s a disgrace.
Twelve position cuts at public works. It probably explains why my ditch hasn’t been mowed this summer.
I would like to put out a challenge to all of our transportation companies in Long County and Liberty County. Let’s give everybody a chance to get out and vote this year and not just rely on the NAACP to provide rides to people.
Firstly, I want to thank Joselynn McKenna for her articles in the paper. I have never missed an article; that’s the first thing I read in the Sunday paper. Thanks to you and your husband and your little girl, and God bless you on your trip back. Poole’s Deli, we’ll also miss you. And Hinesville City Council: We won’t miss you. Because we’re leaving Hinesville also, and the final straw is when you’re going to raise the millage tax one mill.
This is directly to the man that wrote to his wife in the newspaper: It’s really sad that you have such low self-esteem. If you want to run around with another woman, leave your wife so she can be at peace. Don’t have an affair, have more respect for yourself. Leave your wife and let her be.
Mayor, city council, inspections department: Please close auto repair shops in all subdivisions, especially Wildwood subdivision. I would appreciate it if they were closed yesterday, not today or tomorrow.
Georgia celebrates National School Bus Safety week Oct. 22-26, and Georgia School Bus Driver Appreciation Day on Monday, Oct. 22. This is an excellent opportunity to thank and honor the professional school bus drivers who devote their time to protecting our most precious cargo, our children.
It’s a shame you can call Sound off about people speeding through Walmart parking lots or people driving in the rain without lights, but as soon as someone calls about cheating on his wife, it makes Sound off, aka the gossip column.