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I just want to call and say what an awesome school board we have. They name a football field after someone who’s never been associated whatsoever with the high school, they give a pay raise to an overrated, over-paid superintendent, but they can’t even see in the budget to give the hard-working principals who are in the trenches even a simple, small raise. Way to go, school board.
It is sad that kids just getting out of high school want $15 an hour to work at McDonald’s, and AAFES can’t even pay their employees good money. Some people working there for 10 years maybe get $11 an hour. This is wrong. These people work very hard. What is wrong with AAFES? You make lots and lots of money, but you worry about making more money. This is wrong.
People that own animals and keep them in their house don’t realize how bad their house stinks whenever people that don’t own animals come over to visit with them. It’s almost so bad in people’s houses that have animals that it makes people that don’t have animals sick.
A notice should be put out to all doctors that they should disinfect, between patients, the information machines that they put out for the information that they do not, I’m sure, disinfect between patients for the information.
With all the blatant violations of the handicap parking spaces, when was the last time HPD or a Liberty County sheriff wrote a ticket to a violation of a handicap parking spot?
It seems that Liberty County has a half-page ad for SPLOST in Wednesday’s paper, and they’ve had it in past papers as well. Why is the county using taxpayer money to run this ad?
All these politicians on TV are saying they’re going to create jobs, but they don’t tell what their plan is. I really wish one would say how they’re going to create good-paying jobs.