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I am a parent who has a child in Taylor Creek Elementary. I’ve had several children go through Taylors Creek, and it’s a great school. I went to have lunch with my child twice this year, and the cafeteria is very chaotic. The kids are out of control, and I was told it was because of the PBIS behavior system that has started in the schools. If this is what that is, parents, we need to do something about this because our kids, they’re going to get hurt. It is absolutely crazy, how these kids are behaving.
It is a joke. Many people voted for President Obama, but he was very forthright that he was going to cut the troops and that he was not a warrior. He made this very clear. Now, people are going to go to Washington, D.C., to see if they can change things? We should’ve voted, when we voted him in the second time, realizing that he was going to cut the troops. This is how it works.
Robin Williams played Mork on the TV show. Robin Williams used to say, “Na-nu, na-nu.” I have forgotten — what does “na-nu, na-nu” mean?
If the group of citizens in Liberty County gets to rename Olvey Field for Hokey Jackson, then I think it only fair for us to get to rename Donell Woods Stadium to Panther Field as was voted upon in the beginning, but denied. Woods had absolutely nothing to do with Liberty County High School; he was coach at BI. I think one or two people had the say in naming Liberty County Field, and I do not, to this day, agree with them.
After reading Sound off this morning and the individual’s comments about Bush and Cheney, blaming the current situation in Iraq on them, I’ve come to the conclusion that some people have open minds and some people just don’t have anything between their ears.