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Sound Off March 24
084 TN 181012 BH l

These opinions are not the Courier’s. Callers are not required to identify themselves, so we can verify neither sources nor motives. 

“I had a visit to the ER at the hospital, a place I said I would never go. To my surprise, the staff was professional and caring. The doc explained what needed to be done. The nurses checked on us to make sure we were OK.”

“The person said ‘people with dogs need to put them on leash.’ It is the same for children. I have full control of my dog, what about your children?”

“Why do we not have a Native American Indian month? Please contact your congressmen and demand a month to celebrate Native American history.”

“That kid who shot all those kids in that school parking lot in Florida needs to be hung right there in that parking lot. And it should be done on national TV.”

“We don’t need gun control. We need people control.”

“Met with my son’s principal and he knew more about my son than me. He shook my hand and told me he loved my son. I ask everyone to support our school system. Finally, I love you too Mr. Van Horn. Thanks for meeting with me at 6:55 a.m. and for listening to my foul mouth. You are a good man with a big heart.”

“Vicky Nelson has yet to do anything she promised for the neighborhoods in her district, like replacing signs, fixing potholes etc. I do see that her neighborhood looks really well manicured in the front and has a brand new brick sign that has been put up.”

“To the caller talking about how the Sound off is filled with more anti-Trump than pro-Trump. How do you know how many pro vs. anti-Trump calls and online entries they get? They don’t print every single one. Perhaps they are getting more anti-Trump calls than pro? So are you saying the callers need to get together and limit their freedom of speech?”

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