Information for parents about the film "Pan":
Violence: Many scenes of fighting. Some battles are with swords and knives. A few guns are present and used. Some improvised weapons are used. Peter is pushed off a plank and others are made to walk the plank as well. Characters disappear in a cloud of color after they are shot or hit. Pirates bungee jump to steal children from their beds. People fall to their deaths. A Neverbird attacks and chases people. Children are punished by a nun, but it is not seen on screen.
Language: An English hand gesture is used.
Death: The characters that turn into colors do not return. A character learns his mother has died.
Violence: Many scenes of fighting. Some battles are with swords and knives. A few guns are present and used. Some improvised weapons are used. Peter is pushed off a plank and others are made to walk the plank as well. Characters disappear in a cloud of color after they are shot or hit. Pirates bungee jump to steal children from their beds. People fall to their deaths. A Neverbird attacks and chases people. Children are punished by a nun, but it is not seen on screen.
Language: An English hand gesture is used.
Death: The characters that turn into colors do not return. A character learns his mother has died.