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She needs you to love her like THIS (even though she wont ask you to)
Because she deserves it. - photo by Melinda Fox
If you want to show her you really love her, love her like this. Just because she's not going to ask you to love her this way, that doesn't mean this isn't the kind of love she craves.

She won't ask you to love her weak parts

She won't ask you to love her weak parts because she has a hard time loving them herself. When she's at her worst, broken and awful, she has a hard time believing she's lovable. She needs you to prove to her that's not true by still being there, by holding her and by telling her.

She won't ask you to do her favorite things if you don't like them

She won't ask you to do her favorite things if you don't like them because she likes you too much to make you do anything you don't like. Still, she wants you to love her enough that even if you don't love to do her things, you love to do them because you love being with her.

She won't ask you to make her your best friend

She won't ask you to make her your best friend, but who doesn't want to be in love with their best friend? She wants to know all your secrets and to share inside jokes. She wants to have a relationship that is just the two of you.

She won't ask your actions to match your words

She won't ask your actions to match your words because that should be a given. She shouldn't wonder if you will show up when you say you will. She shouldn't wonder if you mean "I love you." So much of love is made up of trust. She needs you to love her enough to give her all the reasons to trust you.

She won't ask you to say "I love you" often

She won't ask you to say "I love you" often because she only wants you to say it when you mean it. So mean it. And say it often.

She won't ask you to bring home something special for her

She won't ask you to bring home something special for her because she's fine without it, but what she does need is to know that you think about her. She needs to know that you notice that she likes strawberry tarts and that she's on your mind when you're apart so you drive to a bakery to buy one and that you want to do nice things for her. That's the kind of love she wants ... but won't ask for.

She won't ask you to help her be her best self

She won't ask you to help her be her best self because that's her own responsibility. Still, she needs you to love her so much that you don't want to be anything less than your best self for her. Which means she won't be any less than her best self either. Together you can be partners in progression.

She won't ask you to put her first

She won't ask you to put her first because she's more considerate than that. She's not going to demand all your attention; she doesn't need that. But she does need to be your top priority. Respect your relationship by putting her before your boss, kids and self.

She won't ask you to stay

She won't ask you to stay because no one wants someone to stay who doesn't want to. But love is a choice. So she needs you to love her enough to choose to stay even when sometimes you don't love her as much as you used to. That's true love.
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