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Why I will discipline my children
Disciplining your child is extremely important. Here are 4 reasons why. - photo by Tamsyn Valentine
Discipline has become an ugly word in our society; especially in regards to children.

But, the kind of discipline I am talking about is setting up boundaries that will allow the child to understand what acceptable behavior is and what is not.

Here are some reasons why I feel it is important to discipline children, and the reasons why I know I will discipline mine.

It teaches how to make good choices

Discipline teaches children that there are consequences to their actions. If teaches them problem-solving skills, and to think about something before they do it. It is a great learning experience for both the child and the adult, because it is an opportunity to teach children the difference between punishments and consequences.

It teaches how to manage emotions

Have you ever been to the grocery store and seen a child throwing a tantrum because the mom said no to buying a certain toy? I am sure we have all witnessed or experienced some version of this situation, and while children will be children, discipline is a way to teach children how to control their emotions and what is proper behavior. Having them go to time-out for hitting a sibling, or yelling at you will teach them in a healthy way that there are other ways to express their emotions.

It is a dying art

The American Family Survey, a nationally representative online poll of 3,000 American adults by the Deseret News and BYUs Center for the Study of Elections and Democracy, found that 53 percent of listed parents as not adequately teaching and disciplining their children as the top three problems facing families today.

There are so many appropriate and healthy ways to discipline a child, and no parent should be afraid to do it.

It keeps your child safe

Discipline is a great way to keep your child safe. Receiving a time-out after running across the street without looking can possibly prevent them from doing it again. When you take the time to discipline your child and explain why certain behaviors are dangerous, like jumping off a bunk bed or talking to strangers, it can help them to learn and grow and stay safe.

There are so many benefits to disciplining your children. When done through sincere love and guidance, children can learn important boundaries and necessary life skills. So do yourself and your child a favor and dont be afraid to discipline them.
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