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Its once again time to honor the areas most-attractive businesses
Keep Liberty Beautiful

I love to shop. I think that for some of us, shopping is our modernized version of the caveman’s need to hunt. I make no apologies for this addiction — I mean, pastime.
When I shop, I like to go to attractive settings. I am not into grunge. I know some people like to dig around in places that may have secondhand stuff. I do not mind doing that, either, as long as the location is clean, organized and attractive. Maybe I am superficial, but part of what I am paying for is an enjoyable shopping experience. I am proud I am a shopaholic.
Evidently, there are many, many shoppers like me, because consumer research indicates over and over again that attractive settings increase business. The location, landscaping at the business and on sidewalks and streets, and even the appearance of the business district itself can enhance commerce — or be a decided drawback.
Our business community plays an important role in the economic success of our entire community. The appearance and vibrancy of our business district play a significant role in attracting new businesses and industries as well as visitors. As you can see, attractive businesses are far more than pretty faces.
We recognize the critical role that our businesses have in the overall attractiveness of our county by having our quarterly Win-dex Awards. They give you a chance to pick a business you think deserves a pat on the back for looking good! In the last eight years, the Win-dex Awards have recognized 70 businesses that made the extra effort to present attractive and inviting appearances.
The Liberty County Chamber of Commerce and Keep Liberty Beautiful sponsor this awards program. We will accept nominations for this quarter through June 30, so take a look around at our businesses this month and make your choice. This is your way of thanking your local businesses for great shopping and business experiences. They play special roles in making sure we have a clean, attractive place in which to live, work and play.
Wondering how to select a business? Here are points to consider when looking for a nominee:
• How clean is the building, including sidewalks, frontage and the parking area?
• How is the landscaping?
• Is the entrance inviting?
• Is the business active in programs that promote a clean community, like Adopt Liberty and municipal cleanups?
Nomination forms are available at the KLB office by calling 880-4888, or at the Chamber office by calling 368-4445. The easiest way is to email us your nomination with the business and the reason you think it deserves an award. Our email address is
Remember that your reason for nominating a business is a crucial part of judging, so make sure that you fully explain why this business is deserving of this recognition.
Also, you can nominate your own business or employer. We want our businesses to be proud they are attractive.
For more information about KLB programs, call or email us or go to

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