LUDOWICI — According to Long County Development Authority Chairman Terry Gordon, Jones Creek Machinery is ready to move into the Long County Industrial Site.
"He's ready to build a building," Gordon said of Jones Creek Machinery owner.
At the Sept. 23 LCDA meeting, Gordon said Jones Creek officials requested that approximately 4.5 acres of land be deeded over to them. They also asked for a five-year tax abatement (which could be renewed after the term), and wanted utilities brought to the edge of the building. Jones Creek officials also want the county to wave all permit fees.
Authority member Wallace Shaw said he thinks the normal procedure regarding utilities is to furnish them only to the property line.
Gordon said if the business is approved, it would provide 21 jobs and have an estimated annual payroll of $900,000.
After discussion, the authority voted to approve deeding the land, allowing the tax abatement for five years, and to provide utilities to the property line. According to Gordon, the authority does not have the power to waive the permit fees.
In other news, Gordon reported to the authority that he worked with grant writer Sarah Davis, who submitted applications for two grants totaling $200,000 for the remodeling of the Train Depot.
Gordon said the authority should hear back on the applications one way or the other in six weeks.
The money from the grants is scheduled to go toward structural repairs to the building.
Once completed, the Train Depot is scheduled to house the LCDA and the Long County Chamber of Commerce.
"He's ready to build a building," Gordon said of Jones Creek Machinery owner.
At the Sept. 23 LCDA meeting, Gordon said Jones Creek officials requested that approximately 4.5 acres of land be deeded over to them. They also asked for a five-year tax abatement (which could be renewed after the term), and wanted utilities brought to the edge of the building. Jones Creek officials also want the county to wave all permit fees.
Authority member Wallace Shaw said he thinks the normal procedure regarding utilities is to furnish them only to the property line.
Gordon said if the business is approved, it would provide 21 jobs and have an estimated annual payroll of $900,000.
After discussion, the authority voted to approve deeding the land, allowing the tax abatement for five years, and to provide utilities to the property line. According to Gordon, the authority does not have the power to waive the permit fees.
In other news, Gordon reported to the authority that he worked with grant writer Sarah Davis, who submitted applications for two grants totaling $200,000 for the remodeling of the Train Depot.
Gordon said the authority should hear back on the applications one way or the other in six weeks.
The money from the grants is scheduled to go toward structural repairs to the building.
Once completed, the Train Depot is scheduled to house the LCDA and the Long County Chamber of Commerce.