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Long Chamber installs officers
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The new officers of the Long County Chamber of Commerce were installed on June 12. Treasurer Christy Hyde lights a candle while other officers watch. - photo by Photo by Kadee Dasher
The Long County Chamber of Commerce recently hosted its annual installation banquet Ludowici First Baptist Church. The theme was, “In God We Trust.”
Outgoing President Beverly Johnson welcomed everyone as they enjoyed a meal catered by Goo-ma’s Restaurant. Afterward, Teresa Fowler and Stephanie DeLoach entertained the 117 in attendance by singing several songs.  
Everyone also appeared to have fun as they listened to Celeste Williams call out winning numbers for door prizes throughout the night.
Before the installation ceremony began, several awards were presented.
Recipients included: Dr. Lorette Hoover presented the Retired Teacher Award to Nancy Nobles.
The Business of the Year Award went to Altamaha Federal Credit Union. Director Brenda Davidson accepted the award on behalf of the credit union and its employees.
Lafayne May headed up the installation of the new officers, who included Terri Godding, president; Marky Waters, president-elect; Karen Waters, corresponding secretary; Marvin Leggett, recording secretary; and Christy Hyde, treasurer.
After these presentations, May was designated as the guest of honor and given a gift basket as a token of apprciation by Miriam Murray and Godding on behalf of the chamber of commerce.
The ceremony concluded with Terry Gordon singing “God Bless America” as the crowd stood and sang along.
“This year’s banquet was interesting, and I think everyone enjoyed it. I know I did,” Johnson said.
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