Repairs to Hinesville’s streets are happening and more repair work is on the way, according to city officials.
Motorists have learned where the manholes and potholes are and how to avoid them.
The first major project includes resurfacing South Main Street, from Gen. Screven Way near Food Lion to Deal Street right before the Frank Cochran extension.
The city has looked at a number of roads, according to City Manager Billy Edwards, but the state Department of Transportation reviewed and found that stretch of South Main in most need.
“We have a long list that’s just the only one from the list DOT selected,” Edwards said.
The resurfacing is funded through the Local Assistance Road Program, part of the State Aid Program.
“They will solicit proposals from road pavement companies to do the work,” Edwards said.
However, the city will mill the road before resurfacing.
Edwards expects to see work begin within several months.
He said age and traffic have deteriorated the road.
Gary Gilliard, project manager for the city’s public works contractor, OMI, agreed even if some roads the same age are not in the same condition, wear and tear takes its toll.
He also explained some problems stem from when private contractors resurface roads.
The contractors sometimes go around manholes and do not level off the surface, causing big depressions.
He said public works either covers them or raises them up.
“Until they turn it over to the city, we’re not responsible for it,” Gilliard said. “We could do an overlay and smooth it out as best we can.”
But public works cannot supersede authority and make repairs on areas outside its jurisdiction, including state highways and utility manholes.
There are also areas under contract and public works needs authorization to work on them. Eight manholes on Highway 196 are from the phone company.
Gilliard encourages the public to report substandard road conditions.
“If we don’t know about it, it remains a pothole,” Gilliard said. “When we see them or we get a complaint, within a reasonable amount of time, usually within 24 hours, we send someone out.”
The department has recently leveled off eight utility manholes on E.G. Miles Parkway, according to Gilliard.
He said the department received complaints about Frank Cochran and the road was resurfaced about a month ago.
The city’s original plan was to expand the major access point into a four-lane to help relieve traffic congestion to and from Fort Stewart, according to Edwards.
“We decided since we have not been able to secure that funding to go ahead and resurface,” Edwards said.
“On the average we repair about 15 potholes a month,” Gilliard said. “Between the repairs we’re making on a maintenance aspect and with the aggressive resurfacing program the city has, the road infrastructure is in good shape.”
Motorists have learned where the manholes and potholes are and how to avoid them.
The first major project includes resurfacing South Main Street, from Gen. Screven Way near Food Lion to Deal Street right before the Frank Cochran extension.
The city has looked at a number of roads, according to City Manager Billy Edwards, but the state Department of Transportation reviewed and found that stretch of South Main in most need.
“We have a long list that’s just the only one from the list DOT selected,” Edwards said.
The resurfacing is funded through the Local Assistance Road Program, part of the State Aid Program.
“They will solicit proposals from road pavement companies to do the work,” Edwards said.
However, the city will mill the road before resurfacing.
Edwards expects to see work begin within several months.
He said age and traffic have deteriorated the road.
Gary Gilliard, project manager for the city’s public works contractor, OMI, agreed even if some roads the same age are not in the same condition, wear and tear takes its toll.
He also explained some problems stem from when private contractors resurface roads.
The contractors sometimes go around manholes and do not level off the surface, causing big depressions.
He said public works either covers them or raises them up.
“Until they turn it over to the city, we’re not responsible for it,” Gilliard said. “We could do an overlay and smooth it out as best we can.”
But public works cannot supersede authority and make repairs on areas outside its jurisdiction, including state highways and utility manholes.
There are also areas under contract and public works needs authorization to work on them. Eight manholes on Highway 196 are from the phone company.
Gilliard encourages the public to report substandard road conditions.
“If we don’t know about it, it remains a pothole,” Gilliard said. “When we see them or we get a complaint, within a reasonable amount of time, usually within 24 hours, we send someone out.”
The department has recently leveled off eight utility manholes on E.G. Miles Parkway, according to Gilliard.
He said the department received complaints about Frank Cochran and the road was resurfaced about a month ago.
The city’s original plan was to expand the major access point into a four-lane to help relieve traffic congestion to and from Fort Stewart, according to Edwards.
“We decided since we have not been able to secure that funding to go ahead and resurface,” Edwards said.
“On the average we repair about 15 potholes a month,” Gilliard said. “Between the repairs we’re making on a maintenance aspect and with the aggressive resurfacing program the city has, the road infrastructure is in good shape.”