The following achievements were announced recently by various schools:
Middle Georgia
Middle Georgia State University (MGA) announces the fall semester Dean’s List. The Dean’s List includes students who had at least a 3.5 grade point average. Students must take a certain number of credit hours to qualify.
Tia A Gonzalez and Madison J Winn of Hinesville were named to the list.
Georgia State
Georgia State University has named students to its Fall 2019 Dean’s List.
To be eligible for the Dean’s List, degree-seeking students must have earned a GPA of at least 3.5 for a minimum of nine semester hours of academic credit taken at Georgia State during the fall or spring term with no incompletes for the semester. Eligible students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 for all classes taken at Georgia State.
Local students making the list include:
DeWayne Johnson of Fort Stewart
Justin Mincey of Hinesville
Caleb Sanker of Hinesville
Cecilia Taylor of Hinesville
Patrick Underwood of Allenhurst
Presidents list
Georgia State University recently announced it’s Fall 2019 President’s List.
To be eligible for the President’s List, degree-seeking students must have earned a GPA of at least 4.0 for a minimum of nine semester hours of academic credit taken at Georgia State during the fall or spring term with no incompletes for the semester. Eligible students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 for all classes taken at Georgia State.
Local students making the President’s list: Kreshae Green of Fort Stewart and Mackenzie Pattison of Ludowici.
Valdosta State University is proud to announce the members of its graduating class of Fall 2019. This includes the following area residents:
Africa Berry of Glennville, who earned the Bachelor of Science in Organizational Leadership
Aisha Johnson of Ludowici, who earned the Bachelor of Science in Health Science.
Greensboro College
Zachary Austin Moser of Hinesville has been named to Greensboro College’s Fall 2019 Dean’s List.
To qualify, a student must have a 3.5 grade-point average or better for the semester while having taken at least half of his/her course credit hours at Greensboro College’s main campus.
UA-Little Rock
Caitlyn Walker of Hinesville graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock during the fall 2019 semester.
Walker graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
UA Little Rock honored the fall 2019 graduates during a Dec. 14 ceremony at the Jack Stephens Center. More than 700 degrees were awarded for the semester.
Caitlyn Walker of Hinesville has been named to the fall 2019 Chancellor’s List at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
UA Little Rock recognizes superior academic performance at the end of each semester. Nearly 700 UA Little Rock students were named to the Chancellor’s List for the fall 2019 semester.
Caitlyn Walker of Hinesville has been named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2019 semester at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, recognizing more than 1,500 students with superior academic performances at the end of the semester.
To be on the Dean’s List, UA Little Rock students must have completed at least nine credit hours and earned at least a 3.5 grade point average.
Coumbus State
Columbus State University announced that Victoria McCullor made the Fall 2019 Dean’s List. McCullor is a Criminal Justice major at CSU from Riceboro.
The Dean’s List represents an elite group of Columbus State University students who have excelled in the classroom by earning at least a 3.60 GPA (on a 4.00 scale) in at least 12 semester credit hours.
North Georgia
William Scaggs of Hinesville is among 18 cadets from the University of North Georgia (UNG) that have been ranked in the top 20 percent of the nation among more than 5,000 Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) cadets assessed by U.S. Army Cadet Command.
Cadets are ranked on the national Order of Merit List (OML) by achieving superior grade-point averages, strong performance in the Army Combat Fitness Test, and proving their worth as exceptional leaders in their college ROTC training.