The Hinesville City Council tabled two potentially contentious ordinances Thursday.
The first was an amendment to the city’s sign ordinance, specifically proposed changes to portions of the ordinance dealing with definitions and regulations.
The second ordinance tabled, to the visible relief of day-care home providers and personal-care home providers at meeting, would dictate where a family home day-care or family personal-care home is located, specifically, “on a lot fronting on an arterial or collector street.”
For more details on this story, pick up a copy of Sunday’s Courier
The first was an amendment to the city’s sign ordinance, specifically proposed changes to portions of the ordinance dealing with definitions and regulations.
The second ordinance tabled, to the visible relief of day-care home providers and personal-care home providers at meeting, would dictate where a family home day-care or family personal-care home is located, specifically, “on a lot fronting on an arterial or collector street.”
For more details on this story, pick up a copy of Sunday’s Courier