Gov. Nathan Deal announced Wednesday that Jaguar Land Rover
Classic will create 75 jobs in Chatham County. The new operations hub in
Savannah will be Jaguar Land Rover Classic’s first facility in the U.S.
“Georgia’s business-friendly climate and world-class logistics infrastructure continue to attract industry leaders like Jaguar Land Rover Classic,” said Deal. “I applaud the leadership of Jaguar Land Rover Classic for recognizing the strength of Georgia’s automotive sector and for creating high-wage jobs for our deep talent pool. By choosing Savannah for its first facility outside of Europe, Jaguar Land Rover Classic will enjoy the benefits of close proximity to the Port of Savannah while streamlining services for American customers. We appreciate Jaguar Land Rover Classic’s investment in the Chatham County community and look forward to the growth of this partnership in the years to come.”
Jaguar Land Rover Classic’s new facility will be located near Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport and the Port of Savannah, the largest single container terminal in North America. Construction of the new facility will begin in autumn 2019.
“Creating a dedicated facility in the U.S. – one of the largest markets for classic car enthusiasts – is an important and exciting step for Jaguar Land Rover Classic. We’re delighted to bring the future-proofing classic expertise and support we’ve nurtured in the UK direct to US clients,” said Jaguar Land Rover Classic Director Tim Hannig. “The Savannah site is the perfect location for us: a charming setting combining a passionate community and excellent transport links that will make it easier for US clients to benefit from the authentic services and expertise Jaguar Land Rover Classic provides.”
The new facility, Jaguar Land Rover Classic’s first facility outside of Europe, will provide access to a range of authentic Jaguar and Land Rover Classic cars, services, parts and experiences. The facility will also include a state-of-the-art 42-bay workshop for comprehensive vehicle health checks, service and repairs for all Jaguar and Land Rover vehicles out of production for a decade or more.
“Today Jaguar Land Rover Classic, a world-class company with a renowned reputation, chose Savannah to produce world-class products,” said Trip Tollison, president and CEO of the Savannah Economic Development Association (SEDA). “The high-wage jobs and investment they will bring to the Savannah region will make an immediate impact on our region. The success of securing this project could not have been possible without the help of the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD) and our many other partners. We are excited to win this project and cannot thank Jaguar Land Rover Classic enough for their decision and vote of confidence.”
GDEcD Logistics, Energy, Agribusiness and Food Team Director Wylly Harrison represented the Global Commerce Division in partnership with SEDA and Georgia Power.
“Jaguar Land Rover Classic is joining a league of automotive companies that have found a home in Georgia,” said GDEcD Commissioner Pat Wilson. “Georgia’s automotive sector is one of our strongest, and we are thankful that this industry continues to see substantial growth. Jaguar Land Rover Classic has made an incredible decision by choosing Savannah.”