Niaya Caro, a student at Midway Middle School, recently won the local competition of the Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest.
Caro’s poster was among more than 375,000 entries submitted worldwide in the 27th annual contest. Her poster was selected by judges from the Liberty Coastal Lions Club for its originality, artistic merit and portrayal of the contest theme, “Peace, Love and Understanding.”
Liberty Coastal Lions Club President Lil Shurtleff said she was impressed by the expression and creativity of the more than 74 students at Midway Middle School.
Caro’s poster placed second at the district level, competing against posters from clubs throughout Lions District 18-N.
The winners were honored with certificates and gift cards. In addition, Caro received a certificate and check for placing in the district competition.
Midway Middle School student places in Lions Club poster contest
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