The Patriot Mentor-Protégé program at Lewis Frasier Middle School is growing in popularity. Kevin Fulghum, the school’s graduation coach, has managed the program for three years. Currently, 78 students are being mentored by 35 adults.
The goal of the program is to help students achieve more through daily meetings and tutoring sessions with adult mentors. Participating students are paired with mentors and each time the two meet, the student must turn in his or her red card, which is used to keep track of how many sessions the two attend.
Although mentors and their protégés talk daily, Lewis Frasier has a luncheon every nine weeks to give mentors uninterrupted time with their protégés. The students say they enjoy the daily meetings and look forward to the periodic luncheons.
The goal of the program is to help students achieve more through daily meetings and tutoring sessions with adult mentors. Participating students are paired with mentors and each time the two meet, the student must turn in his or her red card, which is used to keep track of how many sessions the two attend.
Although mentors and their protégés talk daily, Lewis Frasier has a luncheon every nine weeks to give mentors uninterrupted time with their protégés. The students say they enjoy the daily meetings and look forward to the periodic luncheons.