Correction: Cindye Jones is tourism director for the Liberty County Convention and Visitors Bureau. This story as it originally ran and a headline in the Feb. 1 Courier implied Jones was an employee of the city of Flemington. A miscommunication on the Courier staff caused the mistake. The Courier regrets the mistake.
The city of Flemington introduced the county's new tourism director at a city council meeting on Jan. 8.
The new director, Cindye Jones, began her position at the beginning of December. It is a full-time position with a salary between $35,000 and $40,000, according to Mayor Sandra Martin, who couldn't remember the exact amount. The city clerk was not available to look it up.
"It's been really exciting. We are trying to develop Flemington in terms of tourism," Jones said.
Jones was hired by the Liberty County Convention and Visitors Bureaus board, which is a non-profit corporation that was formed in a joint effort of Liberty County, the City of Hinesville, City of Flemington and the Industrial Authority.
In other business, Debra Attical with the Liberty Consolidated Planning Commission discussed the future land use of the wetland area between Applebee's and the Thomas L. Carter Funeral Home. Drainage is a major concern and a drainage analysis is being done on the land. As of now, the land will be developed for commercial use only.
Joel Osteen discussed the possibility of a borrow pit off of Old Sunbury Road behind Kallquist Drive. The land is currently zoned as residential and needs to be rezoned as agriculture. The borrow pit would be about an acre and provide approximately 1,000 loads of dirt for sale. It would take between three to five years to remove all of the dirt.
Councilwoman Donnie Smith expressed concern over the number of trucks traveling the road in order to remove the dirt.
"All that traffic has to go somewhere," Smith said.
"We have no indication of what the demand (for dirt) will be at this time," Osteen said.
The land lies within 3,000 feet of Fort Stewart but Osteen said officials there do not have any conflicts with the rezoning.
The proper permits that are required have been requested from the state. A motion was made to approve the rezoning on conditions that Osteen gets the state's approval, the road is tested to ensure it can withstand the traffic, and a decision of what type of fence will be placed around the pit. The motion was passed.
The council agreed to have a mid-year review of the budget in three months.
A planning session will be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 31 at city hall. The public is welcome to attend.