The Liberty County Manna House received more than $5,000 from the Georgia Theatre Company to help feed the hungry. Georgia Theatre Company’s 16th annual Cinema for a Cause was Sept. 29.
On that date annually customers are encouraged to go to the movies where 100 percent of all admission tickets and concession purchases are donated to a local charity.
“This year we chose to help the Liberty County Manna House fulfill its year around mission of feeding the hungry,” said General Manager Robert Williams.
He presented a check for $5,484.18 to Executive Director Reverend Katrina Deason on Nov. 12.
“We love to give back to the community. It is important for us to be supportive and committed to our communities,” Williams said. Williams, a retired Army veteran, said a lot of times he passes the Manna House and sees the lines. “I see the need. “We are always very careful to plan for Thanksgiving and Christmas to care of the need for those who may not have the money for that special meal.”
Over the years Mr. Williams and the Georgia Theatre Company has been a great community partner to the Manna House,” Deason said.
According to the company’s website, the Cinema for a Cause event raised $174,285 in 2018 to benefit 35 charities and to date has donated $1.67 million to local charity groups over the past fifteen years.
Deason said every day the Manna House serves over 250 hot meals in the Soup Kitchen, and a monthly average of 1,100 people each month including children and elderly. “The cost to provide this takes plenty of resources, and I am so thankful to the Lord for Mr. Williams and other businesses, citizens and organizations,” she said. The new Manna House building is expected to be completed in the spring of 2020 Deason said. “We have remained opened during this upgrade and will not miss a beat.”
The Liberty County Manna House is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. -noon for food distribution, and the soup kitchen is open from 4:30 to 6 p.m.
For information visit or call (912) 368- 3660.