City of Hinesville Housing Authority, Chief Executive Officer, Melanie Thompson, gave a financial update report to the HHA board at their regular meeting held last Tuesday afternoon.
She also said the board is moving forward with the formation of the new non-profit organization called the Liberty County Community Housing Development Organization (LCCHDO). This new non-profit allows for further development and construction of new housing units and is not as restrictive as the current HHA format.
Thompson reported that the HHA has an annual net position of $538,072.00. They had an annual revenue increase of $320,342 for the fiscal year which closes on Sept. 30. Thompson reported that the HHA purchased property with non-federal dollars which, in turn is expected to generate revenue of $50,000 per year.
The HHA has secured a maintenance contract for one of their managed properties in the city, established a wellness center received a $30,000 grant for after school and summer camp activities and successfully passed HUD inspections.