Fort Stewart-Hunter Army Airfield practices its emergency response capabilities this week during the annual full-scale exercise Stewart Guardian.
The exercise is Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 20 and 21, at both Stewart and Hunter. Emergency vehicles will respond during the exercise. Motorists should drive with caution on post. Traffic delays across post and at gates are possible.
This year's full-scale exercise is particularly important because a team of evaluators from U.S. Army Installation Command-Stewart-Hunter's higher headquarters-is on the ground looking at how the installation reacts to a crisis, said Fort Stewart emergency manager Randall McPherson.
"This team of experienced first and emergency responders travels from installation to installation across the Army assessing full-scale exercise," McPherson said. "Not only will the assessment team assess how well we follow our standard operating procedures and plans, they will also help us to identify if we have any gaps in our response and recovery capabilities."
The annual full-scale exercise brings together the installation's staff, elements of the 3rd Infantry Division, and civilian emergency agencies to validate Stewart-Hunter's response capabilities. Practicing for real-world contingencies ensures the installation is prepared to protect and preserve life and property, and continue training and deploying military assets.