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Kingston visits Long County
Eula Johnston Jack Kingston and Joyce Moore order up at the Clubhouse in Rye Patch.
Eula Johnston, Jack Kingston and Joyce Moore order lunch at the Clubhouse in Rye Patch. - photo by Photo by Mike Riddle
U.S. Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Savannah, made two appearances in Long County on Wednesday.
His first stop was at The Clubhouse in Rye Patch, where he took a sneak peak at the facilities that will be used for his annual Friends of Jack Kingston Thank You Barbecue on Jan.10.
Owner Tim Works gave the congressman a tour from top to bottom, showing him the restaurant, bunkhouse, entertainment area and livestock.
“This is not only a great addition to Long County, but also a great addition to the entire state of Georgia,” Kingston said of The Clubhouse, which opened in October.
The congressman added, “People who live in urban areas need to have places like this to visit - to see the wildlife, play horseshoes, to slow down a little. It’s like therapy for them.”
Kingston also said, “Long County has been real good to me, I’ve visited the nursing home over here, the people at the courthouse. I  watched my son’s baseball team (St. Andrew’s) get humiliated over here – even though we did get payback in football – and I can honestly say that they’re really good people in Long County”.
After Kingston, left the clubhouse, he went to the Long County Sheriff’s Department see how a federal grant of $347,800, awarded in October, was used by the department.
According to LCSD Sheriff Cecil Nobles, the money was used for seven new vehicles, technology equipment and to help fund additional staffing.
“Our cars were just about worn out,” Nobles said.
Said Kingston: “Long County was one of the few counties to be approved for this federal money as a result of it being one of the poorest counties in the state.”
After wrapping up his tour of the LCSD, Kingston had time to answer questions about President-elect Barrack Obama’s recent cabinet appointments.
“I’m concerned about his selecting Arne Duncan as the Department of Education Secretary and also his pick of Steven Chu as the Department of Energy head,” said Kingston.
“As for Duncan, he was the head of the Chicago school system, and I don’t think we need any Chicago politics heading up the education department.
“Chu has advocated a higher gas tax. That might work in an urban area, but in rural areas like this, it would be an excessive burden on the people.”
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