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LCRD to increase rates in 2020
girls with rings
The 2019 9th grade USBA National Champions show off their championship rings given them by the Liberty County Board of Commissioners. The team includes: Aniyah Baker, Raemoni Bennett, Taniyah Bowman, Cecilia Burke, Destiny Grider, Keyasia Hairston, Camauri Jenkins, Kaleyauna Morin, Justus Robinson, Kaliyah Tillman, and Jada Young. The coaches are Jacob Hairston as head coach, Lisa Williams and William Bowman as assistant coaches, and Derrick Brooks Sr. as the team’s trainer. - photo by Kayla Gamble

The Liberty County Recreation Department will be raising its rates. This will take effect in 2020. According to Department Director Jimmy Martin, the county has always subsidized county recreation programs in Liberty County. He also mentioned that the benefit of what was seen greatly outweighed what was being paid. After research and comparisons, LCRD decided to raise its prices. Martin stated that these were minimal increases, especially in comparison to the rate of other Recreation Departments. 

Martin went on to say that while some people who have lived in the area most of their lives believe the prices are fairly high, people who move to Liberty County are surprised by how “cheap” LCRD registration prices are. 

The price increases will be as followed: sports programs will increase from $20 to $30; summer day camp increased from $75/week to $100/week; swim lessons will increase $25 to $30. Pavilion rentals are increased from $25 for half a day rental to $30 and from $50 to $60 for an all-day rental, with an implementation of the fee of use of the picnic areas at concession stands. Stafford pavilion rental is increasing from $50 to $60 for half a day and increasing from $100 to $120 for a full day. There is an increased fee for out of county residents which has gone from $10 to $25. A flat rate of $200 is being implemented for the use of LCRD facilities such as to hold tournaments.  

A preliminary plat approval request for an eight lot subdivision was made by its owner, The Heritage Bank. The remaining lots will range from about 4 to about 36 acres and are specified for single family homes. The largest lot was stated to have community access to a pond and dock over marsh. All lots will have private, on-site wells and septic systems. The BOC approved the Heritage Bank’s request, but Commissioner Gary Gillard wanted to ensure that the roads and drainage of the properties would be taken care of. He was assured that they would be. 

The Liberty County Board of Commissioners kicked off their Oct. 1 meeting with recognition of the USBA National Champion team, the Liberty Roadrunners. The girls’ basketball team was given championship rings curtesy of the BOC. The girls, all high school students, come from as far as Wayne County High School and as close as Bradwell Institute.  

Midway Mayor Levern Clancy requested that Clancy Lane in Midway be added back on the digest for the county to again maintain it. The road is said to be in adequate condition but the City of Midway still requested it be maintained by the county. Gillard stated not only that the road is currently in decent shape, but isn’t prone to a lot of traffic. The city would oversee work on the road, with county employees doing the actual labor. The BOC was careful about taking on such a job due to other cities wanting the same thing, as commissioners commented they wish to treat everyone fairly. A decision will be made later, contingent to the pavement milling taking place. 

In other news, BOC approved the BOE’s MOA Agreement, which was to help the Liberty County Board of Education gain payment for the use of their buses in case of emergency. 

The funding distribution as presented by the Historical/Cultural Review Committee for $161,432.00 was also approved by the commission. Funds will be distributed to Glenn E. Bryant Trust for HVAC & Cabinet upgrades ($12,000); Hinesville DDA for Final renovations to the historic county jail ($35,365); Dorchester Civic Center ($11, 467); Dorchester Improvement Association for phase I repairs with kiosk ($54,600); Liberty County Chamber of Commerce for repairs to the Bacon Frasier House ($12,000); Geechee Kunda for roof repairs ($12,000); Liberty County Historical Society for roof repairs ($12,000); and the Midway Museum for parking lot improvements ($12,000). 

The TSPLOST Intergovernmental Agreement was approved by the BOC. The agreement presented to commissioners was a draft that didn’t include some items like percentages or TSPLOST revenue figures. Disbursement of TSPLOST goes directly to the cities in Liberty County. In the past the BOC has acted as an administrator of SPLOST revenues, but TSPLOST will be directly dispersed from the state department revenue to the municipalities of the county. 

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