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Liberty County EMA asking for input on hurricane survey
hurricane survey graphic

It is getting close to that time of the year again (Hurricane Season 2024). After last year's success with its hurricane survey, the Liberty County Emergency Management Agency is again canvassing the county for your input on hurricane data.

The LCEMA is conducting a critical online Hurricane Questionnaire to better understand Liberty County residents' communication preferences and decision-making processes in the event of a hurricane.

Participation is encouraged as it provides LCEMA with valuable insights that will be used to refine our emergency response strategies and ensure effective communication during such critical times.

The questionnaire is designed to be concise, taking approximately five minutes to complete, and will remain open for input until May 1. It is crucial for residents to share their perspectives on evacuation compliance, risk assessment, and preferred methods of receiving information during hurricane threats. The anonymity of participants is guaranteed, with no personal data being collected.

The collective feedback will be pivotal in enhancing LCEMA's preparedness for future hurricanes. The goal is a well-coordinated and community-informed approach to disaster management.

Suppose you have questions or concerns about the questionnaire or residents who may need special assistance completing it. In that case, you can contact LCEMA via telephone at 912-368-2201 or by messaging LCEMA via Facebook:

The importance of community feedback in enhancing hurricane preparedness cannot be overstated. Sharing your experiences and insights through this survey, you directly contribute to developing more effective emergency response strategies in Liberty County. Your input is invaluable in helping local authorities understand the community's needs, identify potential areas of improvement, and implement robust measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all residents during hurricane season.


Click here to access the survey or scan the QR code:


hurricane survey QR code
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