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Council buys police cars, discusses campaign signs
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The Hinesville City Council approved several vehicle bids at its Thursday meeting.

The council approved a bid on eight vehicles for the Police Department from Hinesville Ford for $201,965. The department will receive four 2016 Ford Taurus sedans and four 2016 Ford Explorers for different uses, including patrol and K-9.

A bid was also approved for the Fire Department to receive a 2016 Ford Explorer Utility from Hinesville Ford for $25,811.

Pipe proposal
Marcus Sack with P.C. Simonton and Associates presented proposals for piping for the city’s pump station and force main replacement project. The bid of $1,139,579 will go to Consolidated Pipe and will cover the 26,300 linear feet of 24-inch PVC force main as well as an alternate bid for storage throughout the project.

Councilman Jason Floyd asked if there was a preliminary budget for the bid. Sack replied that there was, and that the bid was a little over the budget.

“But we had some pretty high contingencies due to the nature of the project,” Sack said. “So I think we’ll still be fairly close. It’s going to be hard to answer that question until we bid the construction of the project as well.”

Governing 101
Mayor Allen Brown said during his report that he is pursuing a Georgia Municipal Authority workshop for the council to give newly elected members and veterans a course on do’s and don’ts and allow them to ask questions.

Sign ordinance
During Councilman Keith Jenkins’ report with Steve Welborn of the city’s Inspections Department, Councilwoman Vicky Nelson asked if the city’s enforcement of the sign ordinance for yards could be relaxed because it was campaign season.

Nelson was concerned about signs in people’s yards that were being removed and recommended that the city do something like leave a note instead of removal.

City Manager Billy Edwards said that the department would not pick them up if they were in the yard but will if they are next to the road.

Welborn said even though it was campaign time, if the city did not enforce the ordinance for campaign signs, he would have to allow it for all signs. He said inspectors seldom go into residential neighborhoods, mostly concentrating on main intersections and roads.

Nelson said she would still like to look into it, and Brown suggested that the council discuss it later at a planning meeting.

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