Two former Ludowici law-enforcement officers were honored Tuesday during the city council meeting.
Former Ludowici Police Department Chiefs Paul Williamson and Leslie Mitcham, both deceased, were honored as U.S. flags and certificates of service were presented to their families. Alma Mitcham received the flag and certificate on behalf of her husband, and Carolyn Williamson received the tokens of appreciation on behalf of her father.
Carolyn Williamson thanked the council for recognizing her father.
“My family was very pleased to receive the retired flag in his honor,” she said.
Other family members present included Steve Williamson, Betty Phillips, L.G. Mitcham and Marlene Zechman. J.D. Hall, one of Ludowici’s oldest veterans, presented the flags and certificates on behalf of the council and Mayor James Fuller.
Fuller said the flags flew over the police department and were being retired.
“We wanted to honor both of these two men and the service that they provided to our city, and I think that both of them would have been proud to have these flags that flew over our police department,” the mayor said.
Fuller, a former LPD officer, worked for Mitcham when he first came to Ludowici.
“I worked for Leslie in the ’70s, and he was a fine supervisor, and a fair law enforcement officer. I thought highly of him,” Fuller said.
Also at the meeting, the council voted to restructure billing for sewage and garbage pickup. In order to be in compliance with Georgia Environmental Finance Authority guidelines for sewage rates, the council raise the rate of sewage $1. However, to prevent any cost from being passed on to residents, the council reduced the rate of garbage pickup $1.
“We had to come into compliance with the GEFA guidelines, or we would not be able to qualify for several grants,” Fuller said. “By doing it this way our customers’ bills will still stay the same.”
The council also unanimously voted to allow employees to donate sick leave to a fellow employee when that employee has used all of his or her sick leave, but is unable to return to work.
Former police chiefs honored
Ludowici council adjusts rates for garbage pickup, sewage

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