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New kid on the block
First baby of 2017 gets here ahead of schedule
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Liberty Regional Medical Center's registered nurse Linda King presents a gift basket as hospital tradition for the first baby born in the new year. Daniels helped mother Christyl Idlett deliver baby boy Daycian Jeremy Idlett Jan. 3 and she also helped deliver her firstborn. - photo by Alena Cowley

Baby Daycian Jeremy Idlett did not have any competition for being the first 2017 baby born in Liberty County, but it was a race against Mother Nature for his mother.

Cradling the resting baby close, mother Christyl Idlett chuckled as she explained "a pretty wild story," of how she barely made it to the hospital for delivery just after midnight Jan. 3.

Idlett, her husband Jeremy, and their 1-year-old son, Cyngzton, made a road trip to Marietta New Year’s Day to visit her grandmother and other family.

She started having contractions Monday morning, but she shrugged it off because the baby was not due until Jan. 11.

"I thought that they were false contractions, so I just went through my day, just doing my normal breathing," s

she said. "I didn’t think much of them, at all."

But contractions became more regular and intense as they drove home that rainy night.

"I was freaking out, but at the same time, I just stayed calm," she said.

No time for pain medication, Christyl delivered the baby naturally at Liberty Regional Medical Center at 12:40 a.m.

Shortly afterward one of the nurses told her that baby Daycian was the first baby of the year.

"I was like, ‘Get out of town,’" Christyl said. "I thought that was really, really cool. I’m glad he got his little 15 minutes of fame."

"More than anything, I’m glad he’s here and he’s healthy," she added.

She said remembering his birth story will be "very, very special."

"Just how spontaneous everything was," Christyl explained. "It was a very spontaneous trip out to Marietta. My husband was like, ‘I don’t know about this.’"

But not seeing her grandmother in six years and giving her a chance to meet her great grandson made it worth it to Christyl.

The supervisor at Bath and Body Works said she is all set with baby supplies from big brother Cyngzton and is looking forward to simply enjoying her new bundle of joy.

"I’m banking on rest. I’m banking on a lot of new memories to make with this one right here," she said. "I’m very excited that I have him."

Christyl hardly stopped smiling.

"I’m looking forward to going back to work and just getting ready to be a mom to two little baby boys … that’s what I’m most excited about, just getting out of here and continuing on with life and teaching them the way."

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