ATLANTA — Sen. Ben Watson, R-Savannah, supports the transportation projects on Interstates 95 and 16 near Savannah that were recently announced by Gov. Nathan Deal.
“These new initiatives will begin to correct past inefficiencies in the Savannah area that caused traffic congestion and major safety issues for drivers,” Watson said. “This is some of the most important legislation to impact Senate District 1 in 20 years.”
The projects include widening I-16 and reconstructing the interchange of I-95 and I-16 to create an easier passage for freight trucks from Savannah’s port. The reputation of I-16 as an unsafe road for drivers was also an influence for the changes. Although Deal did not announced a timeline, the projects are scheduled to be completed within the 10 years.
In addition to these projects, Deal also allocated an additional $10 million to hire more state troopers to patrol areas in and around Savannah with high port-related traffic.
Senator supports interstate projects

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