The Long County Board of Education held a regular meeting on Dec. 13, 2021. The following is a summary of items discussed and/or voted upon:
The Board voted to create a district social worker position which will be funded with CARES grant money for the initial two years. Superintendent David Edwards explained that a partial job description for this position currently includes responsibilities related to working with the court system, truancy, non-resident enrollments, mental health, foster care, and serving as the home-school liaison. Additional duties will be identified for this position as the job description is finalized.
Superintendent Edwards discussed the new Long County High School facility addition project. The Board voted to proceed with the architect drafting the Request for Proposal (RFP).
The Board discussed 49 percent (part-time) administrative positions. Financial differences in the funding of 49 percent versus full-time positions were reviewed.
Superintendent Edwards reported that the Georgia School Board Association will provide support and assistance throughout the upcoming strategic planning process for the cost of $24,500 plus travel expenses. The Board voted to hire GSBA for this service.
The Board offered support of Mr. Edwards’ suggestion to have a qualified individual or business examine the track located at Veterans Stadium and develop a plan for refurbishment or reconstruction of the track, as well as other facility needs at the athletic complex.
The Board discussed the possibility of hiring community coaches. Shawn Peek, LCHS Athletic Director, provided information from the Georgia High School Association. Draft guidelines for employing community coaches will be developed and presented to the Board during the February, 2022 regular monthly meeting for the Board to review and consider.
Board Governance Assessments were distributed for the BOE members to review prior to the next meeting.
Through approval of the consent agenda the following items were approved: Financial reports, hiring recommendations, previous meeting minutes, property to be declared surplus, resignations, and retirements.
The Board entered executive session to discussion personnel matters.