U.S. Rep. Jack Kinston (R-Savannah), welcomed Georgia World War II veterans as they arrived in Washington, D.C. recently for a one-day visit. At the World War II memorial, Kingston’s staff, along with staff members from Georgia U.S. Sen. Saxby Chambliss’ office, greeted the veterans to thank them for their service to the country. “The nation owes these men our debt and gratitude for the service they gave our country and the sacrifices they made. And thanks to Honor Flight Georgia, these brave men are now able to come and visit the memorial that was built in their honor,” Kingston said. The trip for nearly 150 WWII veterans and volunteers was arranged through Honor Flight Georgia, spearheaded by Bert Powell and Buddy Johnson. Powell and Johnson are members of the South Georgia chapter of the Military Officers Association of America.
Legislators welcome WWII vets
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