Hello friends. Not much to report this week. There has been a record sale on bug spray this year so far.
Yellowbluff reports having live shrimp and minnows.
I do have a couple of reports. David Fennell landed five trout and 12 whiting and Robert Moody, fishing solo, landed 45 whiting.
So friends, take time to go fishing and if you do go, remember to always keep a tight line.
Ole Tight Line
Tight Line Jr. here. Not too much happening on the Dock Tour this week, but things are looking up. I did land three nice trout, one black drum, and one spottail bass. So remember to keep a sharp eye and watch that cork go down.
Your buddy,
Tight Line Jr.
P.S. Happy birthday to the “original one.”
Yellowbluff reports having live shrimp and minnows.
I do have a couple of reports. David Fennell landed five trout and 12 whiting and Robert Moody, fishing solo, landed 45 whiting.
So friends, take time to go fishing and if you do go, remember to always keep a tight line.
Ole Tight Line
Tight Line Jr. here. Not too much happening on the Dock Tour this week, but things are looking up. I did land three nice trout, one black drum, and one spottail bass. So remember to keep a sharp eye and watch that cork go down.
Your buddy,
Tight Line Jr.
P.S. Happy birthday to the “original one.”