Hello folks. Tight Line Jr. here. Just to let you all know Ole’ Tight Line extends greetings to everyone out there.
Well, the rain didn’t seem to stop the fish from eating so here are a few reports from around the coastal area and a couple from "Big Rudy" at the Sunbury Country Store.
While dodging the lightning, Johnny Gaskin and "Mark the shark tooth Cricket" landed two grouper. Then they came inshore and netted 14 trout, 26 whiting and three spot tail bass.
The Jones family, Dale, Kevin, Jenny and Ashley, hauled in 13 bass and 14 trout on their first day out, and 10 bass, nine trout and a flounder later. Now that’s a full platter.
Andy Wilson, fishing with David Fennel, caught 25 trout, two flounder and two whiting.
Ole’ Tight Line would like to thank Dill Middleton for dropping off some fresh mullet. We fried them that night and man, were they good.
Hot Rod Hall and Nat Branson netted 10 gator trout just before a storm hit.
The dock tour netted two large spot tail bass and four croakers.
Yellow Bluff has live shrimp and live minnows. Barney and the boys at Sunbury Crab Company and Marina have live and refrigerated shrimp and live minnows.
Remember what Ole’ Tight Line says and get out there and go fishing. And if you do, always remember to keep a tight line.
I always say hit the dock, keep a sharp eye and watch that cork go down.
Your friend,
Tightline Jr.