ATLANTA — Not sure what to do with the kids this summer? Skip the pricey summer camps and head to Georgia’s state parks for affordable fun and educational adventures with the Junior Ranger Program and Day Camp. Kids ages 6 to 12 are invited to explore Georgia’s wildlife, nature and fascinating history first-hand as they earn their way through three badge levels.
Nature hikes, crafts and water games are just a few of the daily activities offered at Georgia’s state parks. With more than a dozen Junior Ranger Day Camps offered through July, kids can meet new friends as they build self-esteem and a sense of accomplishment. And, parents can have the satisfaction of knowing their children are learning an appreciation for the great outdoors. Check out a sampling of the camps planned for the week of June 22 below and visit for the full summer calendar.
Even if parents don’t have time for camp, kids can still be involved in their own Junior Ranger program. Simply stop by the nearest Georgia state park and pick up a free Junior Ranger Activity Book. The kids can work through the activity requirements at their own pace with the help of parents and loved ones. Or, receive the latest park news and learn more about Georgia nature and history by subscribing to The Georgia Junior Ranger, a free e-newsletter.
Below is a sampling of Junior Ranger Camps. More information on the Georgia State Parks Junior Ranger Program and a complete listing of day camps through July is available online
Junior Ranger Camp near Savannah
• Monday, June 22-Thursday, June 25, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at Skidaway Island State Park and Wormsloe State Historic Site in Savannah. The camp, for ages 7-10, focuses on adventure and learning natural and cultural heritage. Bring snacks, water, bug spray, comfortable clothes, and rain jacket. The cost is $40 plus $5 for parking. Call (912) 598-2300 to register.