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Tight Line for Jan. 27
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Hello friends and fishermen. Missed you all last week. Things are looking cold for the weekend but I still have a few reports from Rayburn and John at Yellow Bluff and around the coastal area.
Mike Bohanan and his wife caught 28 sheepshead; Capt. Bing Phillips, fishing with Robert Moody, caught 22 sheepshead and two trout; Denny and Mitchell Clark landed 20 sheepshead; the Maley brothers landed three gator trout fishing out of Sunbury Marina (I'll be taking the brothers on the dock tour soon).
Here's a little something to try at home during the cold weather. Take some aluminum foil, coat it with a thin layer of Dukes Mayo, wrap some bass, trout or flounder in bacon and diced garlic. Close it up and bake at 375 for 35 minutes. Open and broil until golden brown. Serve with sour cream mashed potatoes. That's a meal for any kind of weather. Well friends, I hope you do go fishing, and if you do, remember to always keep a tight line.
Tight Line

Tight Line Jr. here. The dock tour is back in full swing. I landed four nice spottail this past week, one worth a photo shoot. I'll be touring again Sunday, hopefully with my co-captain L.S. Got some new gigs I want to try. It's called a Red Daddy. So, keep a sharp eye, and watch that cork go down.
Your buddy,
Tight Line Jr.

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