Oct. 22, Burglary, no forced entry, 190 Sequoia Circle
A Sequoia Circle woman told police a shotgun and rifle were missing from her home. The woman said she discovered a note from someone who said they knew she kept weapons attached to the rear window of her vehicle.
The next day, one of the woman’s neighbors told her he had overheard several people discuss her weapons as they walked down the street. The woman then found a second note from someone who said they knew she had weapons attached to her garage door. Those weapons were also missing.
Police spoke to another of the woman’s neighbors who said one of the people who had helped the woman move would have knowledge of where the weapons were kept. According to the neighbor, this individual had left the notes.
Criminal attempt to commit burglary, 609 Tanglewood Drive
A Tanglewood Drive man reported he was in his home when he heard glass breaking. The man told police when he stepped outside to investigate he heard more glass breaking. He then looked to his left and saw a man dressed in black and wearing a black do-rag walk to the rear of the neighbors’ yard and jump the fence. Two of the man’s neighbors also said they saw the alleged burglar jump the fence and get into the passenger side of a mid-size silver pickup with dark tinted windows. The neighbors told police the truck took off at a high rate of speed.
Fraud, 518 Stewart Drive
A Stewart Drive woman reported someone used her identity information to obtain cellular phone service in Ohio. She told police she received a collection notice from a company on behalf of AT&T. She contacted AT&T and informed them the account was not hers. Earlier this year, the woman also received notice of an account opened for cell phone service with T-Mobile, which also was not hers. The woman’s Social Security number and date of birth had been used in the fraudulent transactions.
Oct. 23
Simple battery, 315 E. Gen. Stewart Way
A St. Andrews Street man reported an ex-girlfriend slapped his face during a football practice. The man told police the ex-girlfriend threatened him in the past. He said despite having ended the relationship last summer, the ex-girlfriend continues to telephone him and calls his friends, often hanging up on them. The man reported the ex-girlfriend also threatened to call his employer.
Affray, disorderly conduct, unruly juvenile, 315 General Stewart Way
A police officer was on duty during a local high school football game when he noticed a large group of people gathered around a flag pole at about 9:45 p.m. The officer reported three people approached him and said a group of juveniles were about to fight.
The police officer saw another group of people run behind a goal post. A second police officer at the scene told the first officer that a fight had started by the concession stand. The first officer broke up the fight between several juveniles. One of the juveniles pulled away from the first officer and tried to fight the second officer. The juvenile was brought to the ground by police and handcuffed.
The officers then dispersed the crowd. The second officer pointed out two other juveniles who had been fighting and they also were arrested.
Possession of marijuana, suspended registration, E.G. Miles Parkway
A officer stopped the driver of a white Chevrolet Impala because he did not appear to be wearing a seatbelt. The officer reported the driver had slowed to 30 miles per hour in a 40-mile per hour zone. The officer also contacted dispatch to check the driver’s tag number.
Dispatch informed the officer the tag had a suspended registration. The officer pulled the driver over and requested assistance from the department’s narcotics dog and his officer/trainer. The officer reported the driver’s eyes appeared bloodshot and glassy. The driver also was allegedly slow with his responses to questions.
The officer/trainer directed his dog to sniff the vehicle. The narcotics dog, according to the report, showed a positive response for drugs. The officer and a third officer, who arrived on scene, searched the driver’s car. Police found a torn white plastic baggie on the driver’s visor that contained what appeared to be marijuana. MACE was contacted and the driver was arrested.
Theft by taking, 751 West Oglethorpe Highway
A Ludowici man told police someone took his cooler out of the back of his white 1995 Toyota pickup while it was parked in front of Wal-Mart. The Yeti cooler, valued at $209, was missing when the man returned from shopping at about 3:35 p.m.
The man notified store management. A manager in the loss prevention department checked the store’s video. The manager observed the alleged theft on video and traced the actions of the suspect. A police officer, after being contacted by the Ludowici man, went to the store to view the tape. The video tape showed the suspect walk to the man’s truck, take the cooler and place it in his truck, which was also parked in the parking lot.
The suspect then walked toward the store. Before entering the store, he spoke briefly to two people standing outside.
Battery, 1572 E.G. Miles Parkway
A Shaw Road woman reported she was assaulted at a local night club. The woman told police while she was talking to a male friend, the a woman tried to pull the friend away from her. The suspect allegedly got upset and grabbed a beer bottle, striking the woman in the face with it and causing the bottle to break.
The woman said the suspect then took the shattered end of the bottle and mashed it in her face. She said club bouncers pulled the suspect off her, but the suspect still attempted to re-enter the club. The woman told police she did not know the suspect’s name, but would provide the name once she knows it. She suffered cuts to the lower left of her eye and cheek area, her lower eyelid and forehead. The woman signed out of the hospital, refusing medical treatment, according to the police report.
Hinesville Police blotter for Nov. 13

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