• Jan. 1-March 1, Contributing to the delinquency of a minor, 565 Dunlevie Road, Allenhurst
An Allenhurst woman told Liberty County Sheriff’s deputies her juvenile daughter was dating a man who was 18- or 19-years-old and that her daughter had missed 10 unexcused days of school. The woman said her daughter was in the man’s company when she skipped school and received rides from him after school without parental permission. The man also sent obscene photos of himself to the girl’s cell phone, the woman told deputies.
• March 3, Criminal trespass, 75 Stephanie Drive, Allenhurst
Liberty County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a possible burglary. The homeowner told deputies she heard her dogs barking in the backyard and when she looked out her back window, she saw a man coming out of her shed.
While she was calling 911, the woman said the man doubled back to the shed and then walked across the yard to “check out” the rear of her home. The man jumped the fence and disappeared down the street, she told the LCSO. The woman said he did not appear to have taken anything.
• March 4
Criminal trespass, 222 Cowart Road, Hinesville
Liberty County Sheriff’s deputies responded to an activated burglar alarm. Deputies discovered the back door of the home had been forced open and an inside door and door jamb had been damaged.
Deputies saw footprints on the door below the knob and lock. LCSO checked to see if there were offenders still in the home. There were none, according to the incident report. The homeowner was notified and checked the home for missing items.
Burglary, 130 Lewis Frasier Road, Midway
Liberty County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a burglary, which was not in progress. The homeowner told deputies someone broke into her house and stole her flat-screen TV while she was at work.
• March 5-11 , Harassing phone calls, 1144 S. Main St., Hinesville
A man told Liberty County Sheriff’s deputies a woman he knows sent him harassing messages on his cell phone for a week. He told the LCSO he asked the woman to stop and she continued to call him at work and on his cell phone. The man said she threatened to kill him and his family.
Liberty County Sheriff's blotter for March 17

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