Reports recently filed with the Hinesville Police Department include:
July 12
Criminal trespass — A Forest Lake Drive resident called officers when he found a 31-year-old man in bed with his 17-year-old daughter. The resident said he knew the man from when he lived in the neighborhood. He used to come to their home, but had been ordered to stay away. The resident suggested the man might have broken in. The daughter, however, told officers she let the man in through the front door. She said she and the man were just lying together when they were found. Officers explained warrant procedures.
July 11
Identity theft — A Hinesville man went to the police station to report that more than $1,100 had been taken out of his bank accounts in the last couple of days. He said he had tried to check his accounts online two days before, but could not. When he called the bank, he was told that someone who had his personal information had changed the username and password. He had the information changed again and saw the theft when he logged in. The unauthorized transactions included cash withdrawals in Decatur. He told officers he had his debit card canceled and had a block put on the accounts.
Simple battery, criminal trespass — A man was arrested after a domestic dispute at Freedom Court Apartments. The woman said she was talking to her grandmother and her boyfriend started yelling threats at her. She ignored him. But when she left for work, he followed her outside and demanded she go back inside. She refused, saying she feared him. So he grabbed her by the neck and forced her against a wall. She finally broke free and ran off. The man admitted grabbing her by the neck, saying he was trying to get her back inside. He also admitted smashing her phone because she talked on it, instead of taking to him.
July 10
Home burglary, forced entry — A Shady Grove Mobile Home Park resident reported that he went on vacation June 29 and found his home burglarized on his return. Items inside his home were in disarray. He believed the only things missing were a couple of beers and a jar that had about $35 in quarters. He said he had locked all the doors and windows. Officers found a window lying on a bed.
July 8
Burglary — A Berkshire Terrace resident reported that she left her residence for about 15 minutes just before noon. When she returned she saw items out of place and a back sliding-glass door open. It also turned out that some items were missing. She said she had locked the front door, but not the back.
Suspicious acts, officer awarness — A Hinesville woman went to the police station to report several statesments she had seen on several different websites. The statements called for a Black Lives Matter protest, but also expressions of hate against white people and police officers. The original statements urged protests in Savannah, but some comments also mentioned Hinesville and Statesboro. Most of the comments were taken down by site administrators, but the officer said he did see disturbing statements.
July 5
Loitering, obstruction — While patrolling Hendry Street, an officer became suspicious of a vehicle that had been parked in Liberty Square. All the businesses were closed. When he pulled into the parking lot, the parked car took off. So he stopped it. The driver said she had stopped because she needed to text on her phone. She refused to give her license and was soon claiming the officer was harassing her. She did give her name, but not birthdate. Because of that and because she would not spell her name, the officer suspected she was giving false information so he ordered her out of her car. She refused saying "that it was dark and she did not trust me." Finally, another officer arrived, and the officer did get the driver’s license. A check showed she was not wanted and the license photo confirmed she was who she said she was. She was given a warning and allowed to leave.