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Mars viewing not as good as hoax says
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Find the red planet
Astronomers say it is possible to see Mars this month, but it’ll take a little work, starting with an alarm clock. 
• Rise and shine. “Mars rises in the east around 4 a.m. at the beginning of the month and slowly moves to around 3:15 a.m. at the end of August,” said Dr. James Sowell, astronomer and professor of physics at Georgia Tech.

• A clear point of reference may be helpful to amateur sky gazers. “If you don’t know your way around the sky, the best way is to wait until it is near an easily identifiable object, like the moon,” said Dr. Loris Magnani, professor of astronomy at the University of Georgia.

• They don’t call it the red planet for nothing. “Mars is often one of the brighter objects in the sky, and it does have an orange tint,” Sowell said. “It will be in the Eastern half of the sky for the rest of the year during the mornings. It will move from the constellation Gemini to Leo.”

• Study up. Learn to identify those constellations by visiting a planetarium, reading an astronomy book, using the Internet or downloading a smart-phone app.

The Mars hoax, which originated as a widely circulated email in 2003, once again is popping up in inboxes around the country. According to scientists at EarthSky, an online community of global science advisors and experts who review content and research, the deceptive message makes the rounds every year, leading many people to believe Mars will appear as large as a full moon Aug. 27.
What many people don’t know, however, is that the fabrication actually is loosely based on facts. In August 2003, Mars was indeed much closer to Earth than it had been for almost 60,000 years, according to EarthSky. It was about 56 million kilometers away at the time, making it the largest and brightest body in the sky aside from the moon. While the planet did emit a visible red glow, it still was about 75 times smaller than the moon.
In fact, according to, “the only way to see Mars as large as the full moon is to board a spaceship.”
Although it is possible to spot the red planet at certain times this month, amateur astronomers should not expect Mars to return to its 2003 brilliance for quite some time.
“If you don’t have a star chart or you don’t know your way around the night sky, you won’t be able to distinguish it from another star,” said Dr. Loris Magnani, professor of astronomy at the University of Georgia.
Expensive magnification equipment and binoculars likely won’t help much either.
“Do not rush out to buy a telescope,” advises Dr. James Sowell, astronomer and professor of physics at Georgia Tech. “It is extremely difficult to see any surface features, and the apparent size of Mars through a telescope is not very large. Invest your time in learning the night sky with the unaided eye.”
Because of their elliptical orbits, according to EarthSky, Earth and Mars move fairly close to each other roughly once every two years, but the 2003 pass was the closest the planets have been since about 57,600 B.C., and will be until at least the year 2287.
Although Mars is somewhat visible this month, it actually will reach a closer orbit in early March 2012. Anyone who hopes to catch a glimpse of the red planet this year will need to get up just before dawn and use the moon as a guide.
“Mars will be in the predawn sky in the east, visible about an hour before sunrise in the constellation Gemini,” Magnani said.
Sky gazers won’t have a big window of opportunity, but pinpointing Mars’ location shouldn’t take too long.
“It is a trade-off: You want Mars to be as high in the sky as possible, but you want to see it before the twilight gets very bright,” Sowell said. “To view it with the naked-eye is easy, and it will be one of the last objects to disappear into the sky glow. A good time would be around 5:30-6 a.m.”
Late sleepers, have no fear.
“Mars will be an early morning object for the next several months,” Sowell said, and in February 2012, “it will … become an evening ‘star.’”
Mars will become visibly brighter throughout the year and “in the next 12 months,” Magnani said, “the best time (to view it) will be next March.”
“You can see it from now until well into next year,” he said. “It’s a somewhat bright, reddish looking object.”

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Book review: Author digs into mining's complicated past and present in 'River of Lost Souls'
Jonathan Thompson will speak about his book "River of Lost Souls" at the King's English Bookshop on Tuesday, April 3 at 7 p.m. - photo by Amanda Olson
"RIVER OF LOST SOULS: The Science, Politics, and Greed Behind the Gold King Mine Spill," by Jonathan Thompson, Torrey House Press, 275 pages (nf)

Plenty has been written about the very small world of a mining town and the very broad reach of a beleaguered industry. From Loretta Lynns iconic song "Coal Miners Daughter," to the 2010 nail-biting coverage of 33 trapped Chilean miners, to the hit Broadway musicals "Paint Your Wagon" and "Billy Elliot," mining is a global story, and its one of heartbreak, hard work and hard times.

Jonathan Thompsons "River of Lost Souls" examines the many facets of risk involved in taking resources from below the earths surface. An environmental journalist, Thompson has reported on southwest Colorado for over 20 years. This book is special, however, because the Four Corners area of Colorado is his current and ancestral home. Thompson is writing about minings ecological, social, financial and political impact on his land, his landscape, his water, his people. That makes "River of Lost Souls" more than a regular reporting job.

Thompson begins with the Gold King Mine wastewater disaster of 2015, which the EPA caused while attempting to drain water near the mines entrance. The spill sent 3 million gallons of waste and tailings into Cement Creek, a tributary of the Animas River and part of the San Juan River watershed which drains into the Colorado, affecting the Utah, Colorado and New Mexico parts of that watershed as well as the Navajo Nation.

From there, Thompson jumps into far stretches of time to 1765, when a Spanish explorer named the Animas River; to 10,000 years earlier, when Paleo-Indians roamed the rivers valley; to the meridian of time, when the ancestors of the Zuni, Hopi and Rio Grande Pueblo people inhabited the land for 500 years; to the mid-1800s and the Swedes who came to Silverton, Colorado, to mine.

Its a grand scope, but telling any story of landscape is telling a very grand story.

It also makes a complex story difficult to follow. Thompsons time warps are important, but they are jarring. His time jumps need clear dates, and Thompson doesnt always make them available. A map would also be useful. Thompsons writing is good, but his sentences can be dense and require readers to do their own mining for the riches the writing embeds. The work is worthwhile, however, as there are many moving parts in any story about mines land, culture, policy, history, money, inevitable disaster and Thompson works to examine all of them.

"River of Lost Souls" is a thoughtful read, but not a quick one. Because Thompsons writings come from 20 years of his newspaper reports, the overall feeling can be disjointed and sparse, which is distracting if one is expecting to follow a tenable thread. This is not a typical narrative with a cast of characters and a traditional story arc. Readers should approach this text as the investigation it is: puzzle pieces of a larger-than-life story that is eons old. If you are the kind of reader who wants it laid out cleanly, this is not that book. But, to Thompsons point, nothing is clean about mining that has never been the case.

Thompsons best writing is in his descriptions of people and places. His telling of how he came to Silverton is familiar and engaging. If readers approach the book with care and attention, they will be rewarded with savoring these descriptive passages when they happen.
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