The 25th annual Project REACH G.A.N.G. back-to-school rally is barely in the rear view mirror, and organizers already are planning for its next edition.
Hundreds of parents lined up to take part in Saturday’s giveaway at Liberty County High School, a line so long, Lavonia Lecounte said, it stretched back toward McIntosh Mountain, the Highway 84 overpass over the railroad.
“For people to stay line that long shows there is a need in this county,” she said.
With stickers on the vehicles indicating which stations they should stop at and numbers telling the vendors how many children for whom the drivers were getting supplies, the line moved smoothly along the LCHS bus ramp. LeCounte said there were more than 55 stations for vehicles.
“We were extremely, extremely grateful for the turnout of all the vendors and sponsors,” she said.
LeCounte also praised the help of the Liberty County Sheriff ’s Office in maintaining traffic control.
Project REACH G.A.N.G. has started working on how to make next year’s event even more streamlined and possibly cooler. They’re thinking about getting a deep freezer and stocking it with cool treats.
“I give God all the glory and honor for this program,” LeCounte said. “It’s a God-given vision. I pray every time and follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.”