An elderly couple was killed Friday afternoon when their Lincoln Town Car collided with a semi-tractor trailer at the intersection of Highways 17 and 196, near the Liberty-Bryan County line.
The wreck occurred at about 1:50 p.m. and Georgia State Patrol Trooper Joel Mock was on the scene within minutes of being dispatched.
According to Mock, the Town Car was driven by Ruby Brown, 75, of Hinesville, who was attempting to cross Highway 17 from Highway 196 and failed to yield to the tractor trailer traveling south on Highway 17.
The tractor-trailer hit the side of the Town Car, dragging the automobile several feet into the median embankment where both vehicles came to rest.
The bobcat portion of the tractor-trailer jackknifed upon impact and the entire side of the Town Car was crushed.
Mock said he believed Brown and her husband, William, 78, were killed on impact.
The truck driver sustained minor injuries and was taken to Memorial Health for treatment.
The Browns, originally from Anniston, Ala., had moved to Liberty County in 1971. They had been married for 55 years.
Ruby Brown was a member of the Fleming Baptist Church and was one of the founding members of South Main Mission.
William Brown was a U.S. Army veteran and had retired after 20 years of service in the machine shop at Bradwell Institute. He was also a member of Fleming Baptist Church and a founding member of South Main Mission.
The wreck occurred at about 1:50 p.m. and Georgia State Patrol Trooper Joel Mock was on the scene within minutes of being dispatched.
According to Mock, the Town Car was driven by Ruby Brown, 75, of Hinesville, who was attempting to cross Highway 17 from Highway 196 and failed to yield to the tractor trailer traveling south on Highway 17.
The tractor-trailer hit the side of the Town Car, dragging the automobile several feet into the median embankment where both vehicles came to rest.
The bobcat portion of the tractor-trailer jackknifed upon impact and the entire side of the Town Car was crushed.
Mock said he believed Brown and her husband, William, 78, were killed on impact.
The truck driver sustained minor injuries and was taken to Memorial Health for treatment.
The Browns, originally from Anniston, Ala., had moved to Liberty County in 1971. They had been married for 55 years.
Ruby Brown was a member of the Fleming Baptist Church and was one of the founding members of South Main Mission.
William Brown was a U.S. Army veteran and had retired after 20 years of service in the machine shop at Bradwell Institute. He was also a member of Fleming Baptist Church and a founding member of South Main Mission.