Editor, At Snelson-Golden Middle School, some administrators seem to have their priorities a bit confused.
Middle School is a rough time. We have all been there — somewhere between childhood and adulthood. If you have kids in Liberty County, you are fully aware of the school uniform policy. I am neither for them nor against them, as I can see positive and negative arguments on both sides.
I have gone to schools that had no dress codes and I have gone to schools that required uniforms. I survived both experiences just fine.
At Snelson-Golden, however, they take the uniform policy to a whole new level. I have children at other Liberty County Schools and have never had a problem. At Snelson-Golden, certain administrators hand out detentions and in-school suspensions for colored socks, emblems on belts, etc. They say that it is distracting to other students.
One administrator said a small, pink stripe barely visible above the top of my daughter’s shoe distracting to other students. Who are these students and why are they so close to my daughter’s foot?
However, students flashing gang symbols in class are tolerated, ignored and accepted. Things sure have changed since I was in school. The administrators at Snelson-Golden have their priorities seriously confused. Have socks become the new gateway drug?
— Melanie Higley
Are socks educators' new gateway drug?
Letter to editor

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