Upon entering into the year of 2019 our church family have embraced this year’s theme “The Year of the Believer”. Our scripture foundation for this year’s theme can be found in Mark chapter 9 verse 23….. “Jesus said unto them, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”
As the pastor every year I seek the Lord for a certain theme that can challenge our congregation throughout the year, and this year’s theme has been a motivator to say the least. Our objective this year is to eliminate doubt and unbelief from among us because doubt and unbelief are enemies to our faith. Since embracing this year’s theme our faith has grown individually and corporately due to several confirmations that the Lord has shown us to further affirm the theme for us. The confirmations have encouraged us to pursue our faith like we have never before.
One particular confirmation that takes precedence over the others involves hearing about an amazing Bible that produces oil. I was informed about the Bible by Minister McKinley Sartin one of my spiritual sons as we were talking one day at my kitchen table. This amazing Bible belongs to a gentlemen who discovered the Bible leaking after he had owned it for 17 years.
In my interest to learn more about this Bible, I went online and googled “The Bible that leaks oil.”
After seeing that this was indeed not a hoax, I knew I had to go and see this for myself because it would further solidify this year’s theme and it would ignite more of a passion in me to teach and preach faith. My wife and I decided that we would make the trip to Dalton, Georgia, to see this Bible for ourselves which was about a six hour drive. However, shortly thereafter one of the members went to the Facebook page of the Bible and discovered that a church in Darien, Georgia would be having a service and this amazing Bible would be there. Needless to say, we made the trip to Darien with other members of our church and it was an amazing evening. It is one of God’s greatest pleasures for his children to believe and put our trust in him.
Exo 19:9 “And the Lord said into Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and believe thee forever. Moses told the words of the people onto the Lord.”
We are living in a time whereby it seems as though people are so quick to say God said this and God said that, and often times it is not biblical. As a result of this type of carrying on, it has caused some not to believe. In spite of all the things that we see happening which we know is not biblical, I want to encourage everyone to continue to trust and obey the Word of God.
Pastor Larry S. Murray
Fellowship of Love COGIC