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Further thoughts on rising sea level, climate change
David Kyler
David Kyler is executive director of the St. Simon’s Island-based Center for a Sustainable Coast.

Dear editor:

At the Center for a Sustainable Coast we firmly believe that the most urgently needed response to rising sea level is reducing the causes of climate change.

Accordingly, for years we have been calling for rapid reduction in emission of greenhouse gases. That means curbing the use of fossil fuels as much as possible, as soon as possible.

While there is also need for “adapting” to rising sea-level, more intense storms, and health-threatening temperatures, unless we take effective steps to quickly curtail the causes of our overheating climate, the consequences will be drastic, especially in coastal areas, and adaptation will become impossible.

Based on overwhelming opinion of scientists and military strategists alike, it’s clear that in the absence of concerted efforts to get well-known climate-wrecking activities under control, many people alive today will experience a rapidly worsening, desolate world of extreme heat, intense storms, drought, and crop failures – not to mention mass migrations and regional conflicts over resource shortages.

Proven technology currently exists to correct the catastrophic trend toward runaway climate disruption. 

Even now, after decades of discussion, calculated diversions, and indecisiveness, while climate overheating has significantly worsened, the most destructive outcomes can still be avoided – but time remaining to prevent future disaster is quickly running out.

We advise Georgians to give this issue serious consideration by voting for candidates who are committed to taking responsible action on climate change.

Moreover, converting from fossil fuels to clean energy must be given utmost priority if we hope to protect our quality of life.

David C. Kyler

Center for a Sustainable Coast

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