Editor, I’d like to address the concerns with gate opening times at Fort Stewart that were called in to the Coastal Courier’s Sound off.
We have noticed the long lines at our gates in the mornings, and working together with the 3rd Infantry Division, my garrison Directorate of Emergency Services has opened gates 2, 3 and 8 at 5 a.m. We will closely monitor traffic to ensure these changes have the desired effect of minimizing wait times at the gates in the morning hours.
Finally, as the garrison commander, I am very concerned with balancing the right amount of security at our gates with providing our soldiers, family members, civilian employees and visitors a quick-as-possible drive through the gates. As a soldier, I know it’s important for soldiers to be in the right place at the right time.
As a leader, I know leaders want to know where their soldiers are. Having soldiers or anyone who drives onto Fort Stewart stuck in traffic outside the gates isn’t right, and with the gates we have open, those concerns have been addressed.
— Col. Kevin Milton
Fort Stewart Garrison Commander
Garrison commander addresses gate traffic
Letter to editor
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