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Historic districts, autism bills highlight session
Legislative update
Ben Watson
State Sen. Ben Watson, R-Savannah, represents District 1, which includes parts of Bryan, Bulloch, Chatham, Effingham and Liberty counties. - photo by File photo
The Georgia General Assembly adjourned last week, and much was accomplished during a very busy session. The following are some of the bills that were agreed upon by both the House and Senate and have been sent to the governor for his approval.The Senate approved the conference-committee report for the fiscal 2016 general budget by easily passing the conference agreements of House Bill 76 by a vote of 55-1. HB 76 appropriates $21.8 billion in state revenues for the next fiscal year starting July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2016.
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Keep Liberty Beautiful: Protecting your garden from the cold
Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful Executive Director Karen Bell.
I watched the news the other day, and a cold front was approaching. When I say it was cold, that does not express how cold it was outside.
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