Dr. Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful
Keep Liberty Beautiful is so excited to celebrate International Plant Appreciation Day on April 11 at the Hinesville Farmers and Makers Market. We will set up a booth to give out different types of plants for free! You are encouraged to reserve a plant by visiting our website, www.keeplibertybeautiful. org, or our Facebook page. I love to look and smell beautiful plants. Plants can help smooth the soul. I was also curious to know where and why we have a day to appreciate plants and how it all got started.
While searching online I found some good information. Like, International Plant Appreciation Day is celebrated annually on April 13, providing people with an opportunity to reflect on the valuable roles plants play in their lives. On April 13, plant lovers worldwide will come together to express their appreciation for these green oxygen machines. Plants are an easy way to brighten someone’s day. I also found out that the exact origins of this day remain a mystery, and that the fascination with plants has deep historical roots.
According to online sources like Copilot, Brave in Bloom, 2023, and Holiday Calendar, since ancient civilizations, people have been charmed by these botanical wonders. Archaeological sites reveal evidence of plants grown in pots, and Egyptian tomb paintings from the 16th century depict decorative gardens and landscape design.
As time progressed, colonization led to increased exposure to different plant species. Explorers brought exotic plants back to their lands for cultivation, and the idea of growing plants indoors gained popularity. In the 17th century, Britain introduced various tropical plants from North America, Asia, Australia, and Africa. This enhanced the popularity of indoor plants and influenced the invention of gardening contraptions.
On International Plant Appreciation Day and to properly honor this natural gift, we express the amazing benefits plants provide to the environment, such as improving air quality, creating small wildlife habitats, and making dwellings more visually appealing. Furthermore, this day occurs in spring, which is the prime tree and plant growing season. With 66% of U.S. houses already having at least one houseplant and an increasing number of worldwide families following suit, we are well on our way to a plant-e-full existence of greenery and clean(er) living.
Keep Liberty Beautiful is taking this to heart by providing over 400 mobile gardens to homes that can benefit from growing their own fresh vegetables and herbs. KLB is providing two types of five-gallon buckets. One bucket will have tomato, onion, and bail plants, and the other bucket will have peppers, chives, and rosemary plants. You will also receive a watering can, some plant food, a plant trolley, and instructions with each bucket. You can sign up to volunteer to help put the buckets together or reserve your bucket on our website, www.keeplibertybeautiful. org.
Here is a list I found on Why We Should Celebrate International Plant Appreciation Day: Air quality improvement: Plants act as natural air purifiers, filtering out pollutants and providing us with fresh oxygen.
Wildlife habitats: They create small habitats for insects, birds, and other wildlife.
Visual appeal: Plants enhance the aesthetics of our surroundings, making dwellings more visually pleasing.
So, let’s celebrate this day by nurturing our green companions, appreciating their beauty, and recognizing their vital role in our lives!
Don’t forget to Save the Date for the Annual Keep Liberty Beautiful Earth Day Celebration on April 19! Our celebration happens at Bryant Commons, 438 W. Oglethorpe Highway, Hinesville, from 3:30-6:30 p.m. For more information, contact KLB at (912) 880-4888 or email klcb@libertycountyga. com. Booth hostesses are still welcome!
Also, on April 27, the county-wide Great American Cleanups are happening on Saturday, from 9 a.m.-12 noon. All organizations, churches, businesses, and civic clubs are encouraged to participate. Visit our website for more information or to register for a cleanup at www.keeplibertybeautiful. org.