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Keep Liberty Beautiful: It’s important to keep our state parks clean
Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful Executive Director Karen Bell.

Dr. Karen Bell

Keep Liberty Beautiful

Your State Parks Day at Fort Morris is this Saturday, September 23, from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Join KLB and Fort Morris for the most prominent volunteer day of the year!

Please stop by and lend a helping hand as we spend the morning improving the site. We will be cleaning and clearing branches, debris, and more as we work hard to make the Fort Morris site beautiful and pristine! Please register in advance by calling (912) 884-5999 or sign up at the KLB website: www.

You can contact KLB at (912) 880-4888 or email us at klcb@libertycountyga. com. I read this article online, “The Importance of Keeping Parks Clean for Future Visitors” by Logan Voss. They pointed out that parks are essential to our communities, as they have many important purposes. We must keep parks as clean as possible because we use parks for various reasons. The article highlighted the importance of maintaining clean parks for future visitors. The first point was inaccessibility to those who want to construct homes or commercial buildings, parks play an important role in protecting open land.

Parks contribute to improved air and water quality and are essential habitats for wildlife.

These green spaces are also attractive to nearby residents, and they can encourage new residents or even tourists to come to your neighborhood. To ensure that people can continue to enjoy parks, we must ensure they remain accessible and inviting. Unfortunately, when people don’t properly dispose of their trash, parks can lose their appeal. Doing your part to leave parks in better condition is essential.

This is why we have cleanup events like the one we are conducting at Fort Morris to keep it attractive.

A park is a place for people to connect with nature, spend time with friends, and play outside with family. Neighborhoods need parks in order to increase intercommunity engagement, which can improve residents’ mental and physical health. However, the actions of people who choose to disrupt parks can negatively impact the experience of genuinely excited visitors. In Liberty County, we are blessed with many parks. It takes us all to keep them clean, green, and beautiful for everyone to enjoy.

Parks encourage safer neighborhoods. By presenting children with opportunities to spend time outdoors, they prevent antisocial behavior and crime. But something that doesn’t contribute to the community’s safety is litter. Roughly 75% of people have admitted to littering at some point during the past five years.

Litter doesn’t just attract pests; it’s also a tripping hazard to both adults and children.

Additionally, parks that aren’t well-maintained can pose choking hazards, such as small playground parts. People should feel safe from accidental injury or crime when using community facilities.

Beautiful parks can increase municipal revenue and property values.

When residents don’t do their part, more tax dollars must go toward park cleanup instead of other necessary improvements.

For both businesses and individuals to benefit from these green spaces, the community must recognize the importance of keeping parks clean.

Liberty County, we can continue to Keep Liberty Beautiful by joining us for a scheduled cleanup like the Rivers Alive Cleanup on October 28 in every city and county area in Liberty County, from 9 a.m. to noon. You can arrange for your family, church, business, and school to have a cleanup in your area. Keep Liberty Beautiful will supply all equipment needed, and volunteers will receive a Rivers Alive T-shirt. To sign up and make a difference on Make A Difference Day, check out our website, www.keep, or contact us at (912) 8804888 or klcb@liberty

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Keep Liberty Beautiful: Protecting your garden from the cold
Karen Bell
Keep Liberty Beautiful Executive Director Karen Bell.
I watched the news the other day, and a cold front was approaching. When I say it was cold, that does not express how cold it was outside.
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